Add Card(Create Binding)

Customer also able to add card information(binding) and process payment without input card information repeatedly. Therefore, payment with binding required user to authenticate their pass-code before

Add Card

Add PAYON Card

Add Credit/Debit Card


Include PAYON's lib

Add PAYON's lib helper for client side to your create binding page.

  <html xmlns="" xmlns:th="">
     <script th:src="@{../js/payonUtils.js}" charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript"></script>

Prepare Add Card Button

    <button class="btn btn-primary" id= "addCard">ADD CARD</button>  	

Prepare Add Card Scripts

	var merchantId =  $('#merchantId').val();
	var termId = $('#termId').val();
	var clientId = $('#clientId').val();
	var env = $('#env').val();
	let payonUtils = new PayonUtils("","","",merchantId,termId,"",env,"",clientId);

Last updated