Create Binding

Create Binding API method is used to create a binding without payment. It deactivates other bindings for the same merchant, clientId, and PAN.

Create Binding

POST {{URL}}/pg/binding/register

This endpoint allows you to register card binding without payment.


Request Body

    "txDt": null,
    "txSeqNo": null,
    "merchantId": "C0000143",
    "termId": "CT03000003",
    "wdlAcNo": "520473**1003",
    "wdlExpiry": "202512",
    "wdlNm": null,
    "clientId": "C0000143CT0300000302",
    "phone": null,
    "email": null,
    "bindingId": "7ce4dda7-b9f8-4343-883b-e5ff6295e5f9",
    "resultCode": "0000",
    "resultMsg": "Success"

Example Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--data-raw '{


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